Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I just thought that with my wiki I could have my students collaborate on their country project. I have 3 8th grade classes and each class is collaborating on 1 country. They each have a part to contribute about the country (music, attire, fast facts, culture etc.). I am having them all bring the info in, but I think it would be better managed if they all just contributed to the wiki! I got this idea viewing Sara L.'s blog while I was leaving her a comment. Woo-hoo!


  1. I LOVE your sections to the side of your wiki that give the kids some extra resources (I think I might steal this idea from you ;) )

  2. Kristen,
    Great idea having your student post to the Wiki site. How is it going so far for them? Were your students already familiar with collaborative learning?

  3. I haven't started working with my students on the wiki yet. I think it's going to be one of those things I start the year off with next year. I am so far behind since trying a new technology project with them this year. Using the technology is great, minus the SLOW speeds they perform at, not to mention the various network problems!
