Sunday, February 28, 2010


I just came up with a bright idea: a technology day! I think that staff should have one day a week to focus on technology. This could be as simple as a half day every Wednesday to allow teachers to catch up on technology. This could be as simple as sorting out e-mails or looking at their RSS feeds to catch up. This could also be a time to introduce new technologies and ideas into the classroom. Or, even better, a time to teach the older generation just how useful their computers are if they used them more often! What do you guys think?


  1. I think that is an excellent idea. It is a task in itself to keep up with all the changes in technology.

  2. I know my teachers would love that. They always say that there's just not enough time to look at resources.

  3. Yep. Great idea -- how about allowing students to teach the teachers once a month or so?

  4. Oh, I like that one as well. I find it hard for the students to figure out how to "teach" it though, rather than just show it.

  5. Maybe just showing it is enough. The teachers can ask guiding questions that will both allow the teachers to learn, while at the same time subtly teaching the students how to explain something ... a key part of teaching.
